Saturday, October 4, 2008

Mahjong Game

我参加了Mixi的网上麻将俱乐部,昨晚俱乐部在Grand Central Hotel 举办了一次活动。我们讲好在那里租一个麻将室,每人每小时7块,包饮料。8点在那里碰头,因为我不喜欢吃我们附近的饭菜,于是我6点一过就出发去索美塞了。在裕廊东等待转车时,忽听背后有人叫我,转头一看,此人似有几分相熟,又有几分陌生,想了一会儿,终于想起来了,他是我在NTU工作时带过的一个做毕业设计的学生,何君XX。8年了,始终没有机会见过,没想到却在这里碰到,更何况何住在文礼,如不是他这时去看朋友,才没有可能与我这个足不出户的宅女在这里相逢。8年了,彼此都变了很多很多。何看起来更成熟了,他已经结了婚,而且也买了自己的房,硕士也已毕业,正在修读博士课程,真可谓是春风得意,可喜可贺。相比之下,我就相形见绌了。何看到我的第一印象就是瘦了许多,且非常憔悴,与昔日的我根本无法相提并论。他不禁问我究竟为了什么,我对他简要地讲述了我的一些不幸。然后我们彼此叫换了联络方式,便道了别。

I joined a Mahjong club online. Last night, we organized an game at the Grand Central Hotel. We rented a Mahjong room there. It costs, including drinks such as beer, S$7 per person per hour. Seven people were in attendance. We had scheduled to meet at 8pm but, I didn’t like the food near my place. I left a little after 6pm to go to eat downtown. When I was transiting at Jurong East MRT station, suddenly; I heard somebody call from behind. After I turned my head, I saw a man who seemed vaugely familiar. Finally, I managed to recall who he was. He was my project student when I was working at NTU, Mr HCK. We haven’t been met for eight years since he had left NTU and I had left to join my Poly. After eight years, both of us changed a lot. He looked more mature compared to how I had remembered him. He had gotten: married, bought his house, got his master degree from NUS, and now he’s doing his PHD at a Swiss University. Compared to him, I didn’t do as well. My career reached a bottleneck. Moreover, using the words he described to me – hey, what’s wrong with you? Why you look so thin and haggared? With a sigh, I shared with him some of my problems. Then we exchanged contact number and bid farewell. Well, time, really flies. It had been eight years now.

After arriving at Somerset, I started looking for a place to eat. Because I was not familiar with the place, I simply went to Centrepoint to eat. I managed to find a Chinese Restaurant by the name of “Noodle House”. I ordered a plate of chicken rice and a cup of ice lemon tea. Without first discussing it with me, they served me pickles which, I thought was free. In fact, as what people said, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Emmm, it’s so much true. It cost me more than S$13 in total. The taste was the same as hawker centres, but the price was doubled. I learned my lesson. My advice is not to go there to eat. It’s definitely not worth your money.

Next was the Mahjong game. At first I was thinking why we paid so much to play here. Why not just go to my place. It would be free. After I saw the table I realized it was completely different. The central part of the table can be lifted up by pressing a button and then shuffle the tiles for us. Two sets of Mahjong tiles take their turn. While playing with 1 set, the table is automatically shuffling the other. Even the dice we don’t have to throw. What we need to do is just press another button. There’s small panel in front of the each player, showing the amount of tokens each person has. From there, we can easily tell who is No. 1, No. 2 etc. Really high tech, eh? Since this was my first time to handle Japanese mahjong and I was not familiar with the rules. Furthermore, I stopped practicing Yahoo mahjong for quite some time. One can imagine what kind of result I got. Well, anyway the most important thing was just to have some fun. As for the results, who cares? Right?

When comparing Chinese mahjong and Japanese mahjong, frankly speaking, there are lots of similarities as well. For example, they also have “chow”, “peng”, “kong”, pure, semi pure, 7 sisters. Chicken hand is also not allowed. But their way of calculating points is even more complicated. There is a red tile among “5 wan”, “5 sticks”, “5 circles”. If anyone get this red tile, he will get additional point. They called it “aka”, which means red. I have never heard of this in Chinese mahjong. Nevertheless, time goes extremely fast while playing. In three and half hours it was over, but I still did not feel like going back home. This is a game which can make people addicted. Hope I will have chance in future to play it again.

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